Supervisor as a Trainer

The role of the supervisor is to handle various activities related to production. The focus of this workshop will be the supervisor's role in the training and development of employees as a key to increased productivity. Participants will examine and practice the one-on-one supervisory skills required to identify performance problems and implement the appropriate training solution. Read testimonials about this workshop.

Learning objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • list relevant reasons for making training decisions and interventions in the workplace
  • analyze a performance problem and determine whether training is an appropriate intervention
  • conduct a simple needs assessment to determine knowledge, skills and attitudes
  • develop training goals and learner-centered objectives
  • write a simple lesson plan
  • describe the steps involved in planning for delivery of a one-on-one training session
  • plan and deliver an on-the-job training session for a task with which they are familiar
  • review the four learning styles and their impact on training delivery
  • identify the general characteristics of the adult learner and describe strategies for training in response to these characteristics
  • identify the perceptional learning styles of adults and determine training approaches to meet those styles
  • describe five instructional techniques and training aids, their application and advantages/disadvantages
  • identify strategies for team training
  • describe four potential levels of training evaluation


This workshop can be delivered in 1 day or 2 days.