“I’ve found the coaching to be very helpful... I’s kind of like Thought Judo, where the opponent is yourself and your coach is, well your coach. As my coach explained to me, she finds that most of the time the executives she coaches know the answers to their questions, they just need help getting there. Our minds are so cluttered with immediate issues, old crusty thoughts and new data getting crammed in we’ve forgotten half the stuff we’ve known.
Coaching helps you sort through the mess in your head, and provides an intentional time and space for you to clean it up. We’re our own worst enemy in so many ways. At the same time you get what you put into it; the coaching hour is really only the beginning of it. We set goals in the beginning, and though I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere at first glance, I realized I had moved significantly towards them. The reality is that even though I wrestled some bad habits into line and remembered a lot of things I’d previously learned about leadership, organization and all that jazz, today there are even more emergent issues, fresh ideas turned crusty memories and way more data getting crammed into my noggin.
So coaching has put me onto a process whereby I can be more thoughtful, deliberate and reflective. I can understand why people would continue doing it over a longer term, or find a coach/mentor to help them out. It applies to superstar executive as well as up and coming staff.”